How to Notify NSFAS When Changing Institutions

National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) provides you the facility that you can change your funding. As long as you meet their eligibility criteria and other requirements. Because sometimes students want to change their institution due to pursuing their higher education. Here will provide you complete guideline about how to notify NSFAS when changing institutions, if you are funded by NSFAS.

Before that you have to notify NFSAS and the new institution by providing proper details so that their funding may not be affected. Otherwise, you will face huge consequences by not receiving any financial support.

How to Notify NSFAS When Changing Institutions image

How to notify NSFAS when changing institutions?

NSFAS does not deprive you of changing the institution. But you can change only once. However, you obliged to update your information details on your NFSAS account. You have to complete the registration process at your new institution. As well as submit the new details on your NFSAS account for funding. Make sure your new institution must be in alliance with your old institution.

NFSAS will review your application and will not stop funding if you are qualifying for the funding. Once qualified they directly pay your tuition fees of your new institution. They also transfer the funding for your living expenses. But before changing the institution, you have to make sure that this institution is eligible for NFSAS funding. The South African public sector accepts NFSAS funding. But only a few private institutions are also included in NFSAS funding.

To Understand N+ Rule

According to NFSAS policy there is a limit set for the duration of student’s funding. N stands for minimum period for the completion of course. + is the additional period for students getting funds from NFSAS. Students who got registered in this scheme before 2018 acquire N+2 or additional 2 years of funding, while after 2018 only get an extra 1 year of funding.

Should I Reapply for NSFAS If I Change institutions?

Most of the students asked this question that they need to reapply for the National Aid funding scheme. Well, the answer is you don’t need to reapply for the application.

You just need to be accepted by the new institution. But ensure that your new institution sends your updated information to NFSAS to approve your funding for the new one. Otherwise, you will end up acquiring funding based on your old institution instead of new.

The Academic conditions For NSFAS Funding

Students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for NFSAS funding:

  • Must acquire 50% marks in their academic studies.
  • Should pass 50% courses in your academic year.
  • N+L which described above Should not be exceeded.
  • You can only change your course or institution once throughout your studies.

Which documents required by NFSAS for changing institution

NFSAS may require certain following documents when you change your institution:  

  • Acceptance letter from your new institution.
  • Registration proof of your new institution.
  • Other relevant documents which are needed to be updated for the changing institution.

If I failed in my old institution, will NFSAS still fund me at my new institute

NFSAS will not stop your funding when you fail in your old institution. But premise is that you should pass at least 50% of your courses in your previous module.

However, you should get 55% marks in your current module. Otherwise, you will not be eligible for funding. Remember that students only receive funding as per N+ rules.


In this article we explained why you have to Notify NSFAS When Changing Institutions. You will get funds according to N+ rule. We also explained that reapplying for the application is not required. But make sure your new institution transfers your updated details to NFSAS to get funding according to the new institute.

Moreover, you can read in the above article which documents are required. As well as, when you fail in your old tuition which are the requirements to get NFSAS funding in your new one. Before changing institutions, always review whether this institution is eligible for NFSAS funding or not. Follow the link If you want to know the Differences Between NSFAS and Other Bursaries.

If you want to check your SASSA Status, CLICK HERE

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