SASSA Reconsideration Appeal for R350 Declined Grants 2024

If you are here, that means you are amidst the greater amount of people that are facing adversity when it comes to SASSA Appeal for R350 Declined Grants online. But do not fret, for we bring to you a guide that has straightforward instructions to help you send your appeals.

SASSA reconsideration

What are SASSA Appeal for R350 Declined Grants;

What is SASSA?

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is a special group that specializes in providing support and relief in the entirety of South Africa through its Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grants. This grant aims to assist those who are affected by unemployment and poverty.

Why Do SASSA Appeals Matter? 

In some cases, your SASSA application can get declined. Yet you are still given the right to appeal these decisions when needed.

How to Appeal for SASSA Appeal for R350 Declined Grants;

  1. Visit to the Official SASSA Appeals Website listed here.
  2. Enter your personal details: Make sure to provide your South African ID number and the phone number that was used during the initial application.
  3. Make a request for a PIN. The pin will be sent to the phone number you registered. This is the key to moving on.
  4. Select the Month you wish to appeal for.
  5. Make sure to state why you are appealing. There could be multiple reasons such as a change in circumstances, technical issues, or incomplete information.
  6. Once submitted, all you can do is wait for the final notification from SASSA. They will review it and then notify you of the final decision.
  7. After that keep tracking the status of your appeal SASSA Status Online Here
SASSA reconsideration

 How Long Does the SASSA Appeal Take?

  • Appeal Processing Time: The time for processing and review will take around 90 days before the final decision is made.
  • Timely Submission: Make sure you file your appeal within around 30 days of your initial rejection notification.

Checking the Status of Your SASSA Appeal:

  • Online: You can visit the official SASSA SRD R350 Grants website, log in with the registered ID and phone number which you used when you applied, and then select “Check Appeal Status”
  • Call Center: You can also simply give a call to the SASSA call center if you can’t check online.

Why is my Appeal delayed or Declined?

  • Huge Amount of Applications: Delays are common when SASSA receives way too many applications.
  • Incomplete Information: Make sure all the data you give is accurate and complete.
  • Eligibility Criteria: Your income must not be above R595 per month, and you also can’t be a beneficiary of multiple SASSA grants.

Reconsideration for Rejected Months:

  • Apply Each Month: If your appeal is declined for months on end, keep submitting a separate
  • Patience is Key: Even if it is delayed, a majority of the grants got approved.

Deeper Dive into the Appeal Process:

  • Understanding the Basis for Your Appeal: Before starting out with writing your appeal, it is vital to know the important and valid reasons for doing so. These valid ideas could be either a change in your financial conditions, incomplete information, etc.
  • Documenting Your Appeal: Whilst making the final submission of your appeal, it is recommended to have a special record of your submission data. This data could deem important if you are questioned regarding the appeal in the future.
  • Seeking help: If you have any doubts regarding the appeal process, then you shall consider taking help from any local community centers of NGO’s (Non-Government Organizations) that are able to help you when it comes to SASSA appeals and applications.

Additional Points to Note:

Importance of External Factors: 

Multiple different factors such as administrative issues, policy changes, or even economic conditions could alter the processing of appeals and applications. Making sure you are up-to-date with all such changes will help you with understanding any sudden delays or sudden changes.

Regular Updates: 

SASSA is the kind of security agency that keeps updating its guidelines and procedures. Taking a good look at all changes regularly from the official SASSA website or other accurate news reports will ensure that you have the most reliable information.

Community Forums and Support Groups: 

Taking a good peak and engaging with the multiple community forums and support groups will also keep you up to date with all changes and you can take experience from people who have already gone through the appeal process.


Overall, the SASSA Appeal for R350 Declined Grants process requires not only patience, but also an advanced understanding of the process and how long it will take on average. By taking advantage of the multiple resources that are available, staying informed, and getting assistance from others when needed, beneficiaries can increase their chances of a successful appeal. It is crucial to remember that every appeal sent to SASSA will contribute to a broader understanding of all the challenges faced by multiple beneficiaries, making improvements for all.

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