How SASSA is Promoting Sustainable Development Goals

SASSA sustainable development goals

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) provides social grants for millions of people to fight against poverty. Moreover, they have access to their necessities. SASSA is not only providing financial support but also contributing to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are set by the United Nations to tackle global challenges and create a more sustainable future in the 2030s. Let’s understand how SASSA helps to solve the world’s challenges like poverty, health issues, climate change, and so on.

Sustainable development goals

To understand the 17 Sustainable Development Goals:

In 2015, 17 goals of Sustainable development were launched by the United States to protect the planet, growing peacefulness and prosperity among the people and in the future. These are designed to address the following challenges:

1. To end Poverty (SDG 1):

SASSA provides essential social grants to the neediest people and crucial resources to overcome all forms of poverty everywhere.

2. Zero Hunger (SDG 2): 

Many people suffer from malnutrition in many countries because of climate change and deforestation. SDGs support and educate farmers to use the latest technology to promote agriculture to end hunger and provide essential nutrition to people. Almost half of the rate of malnourished people has decreased due to this step of SDGs.

3. Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3): 

Before 2017 many people died due to several diseases. 80% Health rate has increased as SDGs launch different vaccines for different diseases.  

4. Quality Education (SDG 4):

Many children skip their education due to poverty. At the same time, education is important for sustainable development. So, SASSA provides loans or bursaries to the students to get quality education and learn skills.

5. Gender Equality (SDG 5): 

SDGs eliminate all the discrimination against women and girls. It is proved that empowering them will help to increase economic growth and development.  

6. Clean Water and Sanitation (SDG 6): 

40% of people facing water scarcity globally. The goal is to ensure that all the people in 2030 get clean and sterilized water. For this reason, they made proper plans to invest in appropriate sanitization facilities and promote hygiene. 

7. Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7):

As the population increases the demand for electricity increases. SDG 7 is responsible for investing in thermal energy, solar and wind which ensures that cheap electricity and fuel are produced for all the countries. 

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8): 

Many people can’t get a proper education and training due to poverty which leads to unemployment. The SDGs highlighted this issue to promote sustainable economic growth, encourage people to get appropriate education and training and learn different skills. They promote productivity and enhance technological innovation. The goal is to provide decent job opportunities for all people to live their lives without any financial trouble.

9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure (SDG 9): 

Investment in innovation is essential for sustainable growth and development. Many countries still lack internet connection, electricity and proper water supply. The goal is to build new industries and encourage innovation to fight against economic and environmental issues to provide jobs for people and promote enough energy. Bridging this gap is to ensure that all people get a proper education and have access to global knowledge irrespective of gender. 

10. Reduced Inequalities (SDG 10): 

Income inequality occurs everywhere the rich become rich and the poor become poorer. This issue requires a global solution. Their target is to achieve equal opportunities for men and women in social, political and economic spheres and reduce inequality among countries. They aim to improve financially global markets and for direct investment assessment where the need is essential.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities (SGD 11): 

As compared to rural areas there are more facilities in cities they have more job opportunities, cheap living expenses and many business opportunities. Because of this many people migrated to cities to live their life well and as a result population in urban cities increased. That causes slum areas are become a more significant feature in urban spaces. To make cities more sustainable they planned to improve management and economic systems in urban areas to provide more business and career opportunities, budget-friendly houses and a safe and secure transportation system.

12. Responsible Consumption and Production (SGD 12): 

For sustaining development, we must change how we consume and produce goods and services. The goal is to ensure that all the toxic waste produced by the industries should be disposed of. They also encourage factories to recycle products as it involves a crucial step in the sustainable growth of countries.

13. Climate Action (SDG 13): 

Every country faces the experience of climate change. Global warming has an irreversible effect on our climate system if we do not take proper precautions. To avoid these issues, SASSA invests in forestation and uses the latest technology and natural resources to stop increasing the temperature after a certain limit. 

14. Life Below Water (SDG 14):

Around three billion individuals depend on marine animals for their living. The industry’s waste and plastic are the major cause of marine pollution. To overcome this problem SDG’s objective is to protect marine ecosystems from pollution and acidification by reducing plastic waste and litter.

15. Life on Land (SDG 15): 

Human life gets 80% of its nutrients from plants and agriculture is the most important economic resource. The goals are to plant forests, protect the land from any natural disaster and save the environment from climate change and people get enough food from the plants. Forests are 80% territory for many species.

16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions (SDG 16): 

Some areas of the world have peace and prosperity, while the other half experience war, injustice, human trafficking and so on. The aim is to reduce violence and make laws on a higher level to avoid injustice as sustainable development can’t be sustained without abiding by proper rules and regulations.

17. Partnerships for the Goals:

The goal is to increase cooperation globally to promote international trade and help to raise exports for developing countries. 


SASSA helps to promote these 17 sustainable development goals in South Africa which we explained above. Social grants of SASSA and collaborative efforts not only overcome the issues of hunger, poverty, injustice, and education but also provide job opportunities for youth, promote peace and justice and make proper laws to provide human rights to end crimes. With these 17 SDGs, SASSA ensures that it will continuously contribute to innovation and create a sustainable future for all South African citizens.

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