How to Apply for SASSA Old Age Grant | Status | Eligibility

What is the SASSA Old age grant?

You can get your SASSA old age grant to see you through your old age. An older person grant is given to those who are above 60 years old. These funds can help you get through your old age with ease. These grants used to be known as the old age pension.

SASSA old age grant

Qualification requirements

You must:

  • You must be a permanent citizen or refugee within South Africa
  • Live within South Africa.
  • Not be taking help from other social grants
  • Not be taken care of in/by state institutions.
  • Not be earning more than R86,280 if you are unmarried or R172, 560 if married.
  • Not have assets that are totally worth more than R1,227,660 if unmarried or R2,455,200 if married.
SASSA Old Age Grant

How much will you get?

The maximum grants you will get will amount to R2,090 per month, but once you are older than 75 years, you will get R2,110.

Who will pay you?

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will pay the grant to you through one of the following methods:

  • Cash at any specific pay point on a specific day.
  • Online deposit through Postbank account or personal bank account (May be charged by the bank for service.)

When may your grant be reviewed?

SASSA will decide whether your grant will be reviewed. Your final income will also be decided once you apply for the SASSA old age grant and it will form the basis for this decision. You will be given info regarding this 3 months in advance of the date your review will be taken or the date your life certificate is due. This is to make sure you are alive. If you receive your money through bank, or other means such as an institution or procurator, you will be asked to fill a life form every year.

When may your SASSA old age grant be suspended?

These points may lead to the suspension of debate:

  • When your financial situation changes
  • Any sort of negative outcome of the review
  • If you don’t cooperate when grants are reviewed
  • Committing of fraud
  • If there was a mistake in your grant approval.

When will your grant elapse?

The grant will finally elapse when you:

  • Are admitted to some sort of institution
  • Pass away
  • Do not receive your grants for 3 months straight
  • Are not present in the country.

Please remember: If you admit yourself or are admitted to an institution that has a contract with the state to take care for you, then the social grants you will be receiving will be reduced to 25% of the original amount of the grant. This will start in the 4th month after your admission. Once you are discharged, the reduced grant is re-instated.

What should you do?

  1. First, go to the SASSA (South African Social Security Agency) office that is closest to your residential area. Make sure to bring the following:
    • Your own 13-digit bar-coded ID. If you don’t have any ID on you, then you will have to go through the following steps:
      1. You must complete an affidavit according to a special SASSA format with the Commissioner of Oaths. This person is not a SASSA official.
      2. Must bring a sworn and signed statement of any refutable person who can verify your name and age. (For example a principal, councilor, etc.)
      3. The SASSA officials will then take your fingerprints. You will be taken to the Department of Home Affairs to apply for the ID whilst your applications are being verified. If you don’t get any kind of ID, your grant will be suspended.
    • Proof of marital status (if possible).
    • Proof of your residence.
    • Proof of your income
    • Proof of your assets, including total value of the property under you.
    • Proof of your private pension (if any).
    • Your bank statements of the previous three months.
    • If you were employed, proof of your Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) membership (‘blue book’) or discharge certificate from your previous employer.
    • If your spouse died within the last five years, a copy of the will and the first and final liquidation and distribution accounts where applicable.
    • Please note: If you are too old or sick to travel to the office to apply, a family member or friend can apply on your behalf. The person should take a letter from you and/or a doctor’s note saying why you cannot visit the office.
  2. Complete the application form in the presence of the SASSA officer (note that only you as the applicant or a SASSA official may complete the application form). The officer will interview you and tell you if you qualify for the grant.
  3. You will be given a receipt. Keep it as proof that you applied.

What if your application is not approved?

  • If it is disapproved, SASSA will first send you a letter on why it wasn’t successful.
  • Of you have any oppositions to the decision, you can talk to the Minister of Social Development, who is present at the national Department of Social Development. You mist appeal within 90 days of being informed that your application was disapproved.

 How long does it take?

  • In order to process your application, it may take 3 months.
  • Once accepted, you will start getting paid from the day you applied.

What does it cost?

This social service is free for all.

Forms to complete

Please visit the your nearest office to get the SASSA Old Age Grant Form. Visit here for more details

Who to contact?

South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)

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